For Immediate Release:
David Lipari
(209) 851-1626
SJRRC and SJJPA’s Valley Rail Program Receives TCEP Funding for Turlock Extension
Stockton CA – The San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission (SJRRC) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded $40 million from the Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP) for the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) along the Fresno Subdivision from Ceres to Turlock Double Tracking Project. The double-tracking project has both freight and passenger rail benefits. Initiating passenger rail service between Ceres and Turlock is a part of SJRRC and the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority’s (SJJPA) joint Valley Rail Program. The Valley Rail Program is a transformational transportation project in the San Joaquin Valley that expands and increases passenger rail in the Northern San Joaquin Valley to Sacramento and the Bay Area.
“We would like to thank the CTC for continuing to support expanding sustainable transportation in the San Joaquin Valley,” says Leo Zuber, Chair of the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission. “The $40 million TCEP award continues SJRRC’s commitment to working with our State and Federal partners to fully fund the Valley Rail Program which will connect so many new communities to rail transportation.”
The $40 million TCEP award will be added to the $57 million from the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) received in 2022 for the Ceres to Turlock segment of the Valley Rail Program. The Ceres to Turlock double-tracking project was estimated at $133.4 million dollars. SJRRC is submitting applications for Federal and State programs to fully fund the segment.
UPRR (Fresno Subdivision) Ceres to Turlock Double Tracking will construct a new, second mainline track along an approximately 10-mile portion of the UPRR Fresno Subdivision between Ceres and Turlock. Following the same alignment as the existing mainline track, the project will also include the extension of two culverts, modification of the undercrossing at State Route 99 (SR 99), and improvements to eleven (11) at-grade crossing locations. These important improvements will enhance current freight mobility and allow for passenger service as a part of the larger Valley Rail service plan.
The 2022 Trade Corridor Enhancement Program totals $1.081 billion for 26 projects. All projects nominated for funding provide significant value to California residents, and the amount of funding requested reflects the significant need to address freight transportation improvements across the state. Created by Senate Bill 1, the California Transportation Commission’s Trade Corridor Enhancement Program funds infrastructure improvements on federally designated Trade Corridors of National and Regional Significance, on the Primary Freight Network, and along corridors that have a high volume of freight movement, as determined by the Commission.
Governed by a Board of Directors consisting of six full-voting members from San Joaquin County and two special-voting members from Alameda County, SJRRC owns, operates, and is the policy-making body for the Altamont Corridor Express (ACE) service, which has been transporting passengers between the Central Valley and Bay Area since 1998. For more information about SJRRC and ACE, visit acerail.com or connect through Facebook (@AltamontCorridorExpress) and Twitter (@ACE_train).
Since July 2015, SJJPA has been responsible for the management and administration of Amtrak San Joaquins. SJJPA is governed by Board Members representing each of the ten (10) Member Agencies along the 365-mile San Joaquins Corridor. For more information on SJJPA see www.sjjpa.com.
Amtrak San Joaquins is Amtrak’s 6th busiest route with 18 train stations throughout the Central Valley and Bay Area, providing a safe, comfortable and reliable way to travel throughout California. Amtrak San Joaquins is currently running six daily round-trips. In addition to the train service, Amtrak San Joaquins Thruway buses provide connecting service to 135 destinations in California and Nevada including Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Napa Valley, Las Vegas and Reno.