Civil Rights

Access to SJRRC and SJJPA records is regulated by the California Public Records Act, Gov. Code, § 7921.000 et. seq. (formerly Gov. Code, § 6250 et seq.). Requests may be made verbally or in writing and should be specific to ensure the identification of responsive records. It is recommended that records requests include the following: 

    • Requestor’s name and contact information
    • Specific information and details about the records you are seeking 
    • Time frame of when a record was created, if known 
    • Format you want to receive public records in, and where to send them 

Contact information is optional, but contact information is necessary to respond to online requests.

Public Records Request

  • Required fields are marked with an *




Additional Options for Submitting a Public Records Request Include:


San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission
c/o Public Records Officer
949 E. Channel Street
Stockton, CA  95202 

San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission
Attn: Public Records Officer

949 E. Channel Street
Stockton, CA  95202 

(800) 411-7245

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