SJRRC Announce Grant Award of $2 Million from FRA’s CRISI Funding to Support Railroad Workforce Development

January 6, 2025

SJRRC Announce Grant Award of $2 Million from FRA’s CRISI Funding to Support Railroad Workforce Development


SJRRC Contact:
David Lipari, San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority
  Phone: (209) 851-1626

(January 6 -- Stockton, CA) – The San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission (SJRRC) have been awarded $2 million from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) through the competitive Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) program. The grant funding will provide $2 million in funding for The Rail Academy of Central California (TRACC).

“As the momentum around TRACC continues to grow, SJRRC would like to thank the FRA for its support,” said David Lipari, Deputy Director of SJRRC. “As California continues to invest in rail, workforce development is essential to strengthen the future of both freight and passenger rail.”

The CRISI funds will also support The Rail Academy of Central California by funding instructor salaries and equipment, class supplies for onboard instruction such as railroad radios and railroad flares, personal protective equipment for students of the program including safety glasses, earplugs, hard hats, safety vests, and work boots, and other program costs.

Creating TRACC is a direct strategy to attract and train new talent in the rail industry. With a limited workforce that is aging and cycling out, it is important to enhance training programs to prepare the next generation of highly skilled transportation workers. TRACC will help train and prepare graduates to have successful, well-paying careers with freight and passenger railroads.

TRACC will combine teaching of the FRA-approved curriculum along with hands-on training at the ACE Rail Maintenance Facility (RMF) in Stockton. The program will not only benefit students and the rail industry, but it will also support economic development in Valley communities that have been historically disadvantaged.

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About the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority (SJJPA)
Since July 2015, SJJPA has been responsible for the management and administration of Amtrak San Joaquins. SJJPA is governed by Board Members representing each of the ten (10)
Member Agencies along the 365-mile San Joaquins Corridor. For more information on SJJPA see

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