Contract Opportunities

Contracting Opportunities With SJRRC

Thank you very much for your interest in doing business with San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission (SJRRC). SJRRC offers a wide range of business opportunities for contractors, vendors, and suppliers in construction, professional services, maintenance and repair, equipment, supplies, and more.

SJRRC is committed to a procurement process that fosters fair and open competition while conducting itself under the highest ethical standards and achieving the complete confidence of the public. Because SJRRC is a public agency, it must follow all federal, state, and local laws and regulations that are applicable to its procurement practices.

News and Events

For News and Events, visit PlanetBids™ Vendor Portal for SJRRC

Watch the recorded session of the Industry Day event to learn more about the upcoming projects for the Valley Rail Program.

Stockton Diamond Grade Separation – Bid Documents Delayed Release

Due to an estimated 6 to 9-month duration for final environmental permitting reviews and approvals, the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission (SJRRC) has delayed the release of the Stockton Diamond construction bid documents. SJRRC anticipates releasing the RFP for construction management services by the end of April 2024. Phased construction packages will follow, starting with an Request for Proposals (RFP) for an early work package, which will contain initial activities for the Stockton Diamond focusing on demolition and clearing of the construction site. SJRRC will release the RFP for the second work package later in the year. The second package will cover all other construction activities on the Stockton Diamond Grade Separation project. This phased approach will allow additional time for the final permits before releasing the full bid packages. SJRRC appreciates the public interest in the Stockton Diamond and will provide updates as more information becomes available.

If you have any questions, please contact Autumn Gowan, Procurement & Contracts Manager, at

Required Vendor Registration

SJRRC uses PlanetBids™, a fully automated web-based vendor and bid management system.

Whether you are a new vendor with SJRRC or an existing vendor, you must register your firm in order to receive contracting notifications, to view contracting opportunities, and to obtain copy of open solicitations. Prospective offerors are solely responsible for maintaining up to date and accurate information.

To begin the process, visit PlanetBids™ Vendor Portal for SJRRC.

Note: In order to access the PlanetBids Vendor Portal, you must install Adobe flash player 10.1 or higher. Click here to download and install the latest Adobe Flash Player.

Current Contract Opportunities

To view, download, and check status of solicitations, visit PlanetBids™ Vendor Portal for SJRRC.

Invitation for Bids (IFB)

  • None Currently

Request For Information (RFI)

  • None Currently

Request For Proposals (RFP)

  • 25-R-29-00 Pedestrian Shelters for the Valley Rail Program
  • 25-R-19-00 On-Call Right of Way and Property Management Services
  • 25-R-64-00 On-Call Environmental Services
  • 25-R-57-00 Budget System and Implementation Services
  • 25-R-65-00 Project Delivery Support Services (PDSS) for Sacramento City College Project
  • 25-R-66-00 Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) for Sacramento City College Project

Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

  • None Currently

For technical assistance with PlanetBids,™ please contact (818) 992-1771 between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Pacific or click here PlanetBids™ Vendor Support.

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